Another project I am working on is finishing the front stoop flagstone patio. I ran out of flagstone and have been looking on craigslist for low cost or free stones. I missed a free stone offer because the truck had a flat tire, and I could not get one ad poster to respond to me although the ad stayed up. So finally I found a couple of women who had just moved into a house on the other side of Arvada who were hoping to get some of the excess flagstone out of their yard. I have to admit it is kind of dirty and dull compared to my pretty buff pieces, but I really want to get the stone laid so I can say the stoop is done at least for now.
They were really nice and helped me load the stone, but I didn’t get enough to finish! So I’m hoping they will let me go back and get a little more to get this done.
I figure given the smaller size of their stones, I need at least 10-12 more to finish.
I also need some smaller pieces to fit in the larger gaps between some of the stones.