Door Sealing Completed

The back door sealed up nicely after spraying foam into the cracks in the polyiso layer and creating a level plane.

Back Door Sealed

Back Door Sealed

I used almost all of two rolls of SIGA Wigluv 60 tape to surround the blue SIGA Majvest air membrane. The membrane is overlapped and taped on both edges.

Master Bedroom Door Sealed

Master Bedroom Door Sealed

The front door was sealed first, but I didn’t take a photo of the completed area until the whole job was finished. We are planning to remove the rest of the cedar siding too and redo the insulation we can’t reach from inside and replace the siding with the stucco cement board panels. But I was just trying to get to the point where the doors can be repainted.

Front Door Sealed

Front Door Sealed

The doors are ready for painting. Just want to add a short overhang using the fiberglass corners.

Patio Doors Sealed

Patio Doors Sealed

A closer view shows that the sealing is comprised of air barrier and tape surrounding it. Notice the tape around the light fixture outlet. On one side of the back door the tape overlapped the blue air barrier completely, so I probably could have just used tape. I left the other side and will wrap it when I replace the adjoining wall’s siding.

Closer view of sealing

Closer view of sealing

The paint on the doors is chipping off pretty badly so I can’t wait until the painters can come and repaint them, probably in a couple of weeks.

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