We’ve been making progress on the rough plumbing install. The corner cabinet framing for the pressure balance valve and plumbing for the master bath tub was completed.
The next step was to connect the tub plumbing. There are shutoffs that will be below the cabinet floor and connections to the pressure balance valve. I turned the supply ells around so the pipes would line up a bit better.
I also connected the sink, toilet and shower piping in the master bath.
The supply pipe for the kitchen was moved into the half wall and one of the shutoffs was replaced with a 3/4″ shutoff in the utility room so I would have enough 1/2 inch shutoffs for the master tub.
Ready to move on to the guest shower and bath. Here is the assembly for the rear shower wall.
And that wall installed. There will need to be a shower ceiling to conceal the dryer vent that runs above the shower. The vent elbow was moved to just below the roof and the angled pipe continues to the dryer vent.
I had to order more shark bite elbows. Could have gotten them locally for a bit more but decided we could wait. We have visitors so I can’t move the sidewalls out of this bathroom to put the piping in the walls yet. Maybe next week.