Happy 2nd Birthday Grandson!

We visited Oakland, California for a big birthday bash for our grandson. We were excited about decorating for his theme of “Cars and Trucks and Things that Go”. My sister and brother came to the party too. My brother all the way from the Chicago area.
These were all the decorations we brought with us!

Preparation for big birthday bash

Preparation for big birthday bash

My sister in California also made fancy banners to say Happy Birthday and to hang around the room.

Happy Birthday Banners

Happy Birthday Banners

And my son made a cool race track for the kids out of pool noodles.

Pool noodle race track

Pool noodle race track

The Lowly Worms were great party favors and the goldbug hunt was quite successful too.

Lowly Worms in favor bags

Lowly Worms in favor bags

All the extra characters for the Brio wooden train set were a big hit. Several kids stopped by this table to play with it.
Busytown Train

Busytown Train

We drew goldbugs on the toddlers hands with non-toxic white board markers and yellow body paint.
Body paint goldbugs

Body paint goldbugs

We had as much fun as the kids! They had a ride-on vehicle race and it was so silly! The little ones hardly knew to go around the track. But they were so cute. They were awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes of Busytown plush characters.
I’m so glad we could celebrate this amazing birthday for our sweet grandson with the family.

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