Low Growth Full Sun Xeriscape

Dave started a garden border in front of the house. He installed leftover tile pieces in a concrete base to create a flat planting area for some xeriscape plants.

Forming the planter
Forming the planter

He leveled the tops of the tile pieces and filled the area in with dirt.

Along front patio
Along front patio

He researched the xeriscape plants that were low growing and like full sun at the Denver Botanic Garden annual plant sale.

A couple of the varieties were already sold out even though we shopped during the member early sale. These were the varieties that he wanted.

Wine Cups sold out
Evening primrose (spotted and big fruit) 
Blue Buckle Penstemon
Purple prairie clover
Blue Flax
Globe mallow sold out
Silky Phacelia
Aspen Fleabane
Showy Fleabane
Sand Sage sold out
Wellington form buckwheat cushion

With some substitutes we still bought 12 varieties.

Spotted Evening Primrose
Spotted Evening Primrose 4-8″
Pussytoes 3″
Mules Ears Wildflower
Mules Ears Wildflower 2-3′
Wright's Buckwheat
Wright’s Buckwheat 3′
Silky Phaecelia
Silky Phaecelia 2′
Penstemen Blue Buckle
Penstemen Blue Buckle 12-14″
Aspen fleabane
Aspen fleabane 1′
Blue Flax
Blue Flax 18-20″
Sand Dune Wallflower
Sand Dune Wallflower 2′
Bigfruit primrose-sundrop
Bigfruit primrose-sundrop 8-10″
Wellington Buckwheat
Wellington Buckwheat 3″
Germander Teucrium sp
Germander Teucrium sp 4″

We don’t have much flower sense for planting a mixed bed like this so I found a sample garden at plant select.org and altered it to reflect the varieties that we ordered.

Xeriscape Border
Xeriscape Border
Xeriscape plants
Xeriscape plants

Our bed was not nearly as wide either so the plants ended up just two deep.

Planted xeriscape
Planted xeriscape

We are hoping we have a low water use but colorful border eventually.

Patio Border
Patio Border
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