HP Geotech

HP Geotech

I asked the Asbestos test engineer, Rick Luce, for a recommendation for a soils engineer, as he had mentioned that he worked with several and would give me a recommendation when the time came. He recommended Alan Lisowy at HP Geotech.

The original engineer who reported on the status of the slab turned out to be a rather famous guy in Arvada, Joe Jehn of Jehn Engineering. He has not continued with the project as it is not a typical Jehn project, however, he has been generous in response to emails and also recommended HPGeotech.

Alan works out of the Parker, Colorado office and we emailed back and forth until it was decided what tests needed to be done and when they could get a drill truck out to the site to take the test samples. I didn’t get out to the site in time to take photos of their work, but Alan said they got all that they needed and we will be getting the report now in just a matter of days!

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