Monthly Archives: April 2016
Wabi-sabi Garden Gate
I often have the pleasure of meeting someone special while purchasing Craigslist items. Some folks are all business, which is fine, some are cautious, which makes sense, and some are very friendly and sharing. I have to say that connecting … Continue reading
From Heating to Cooling in One Week
I bought a little something to help with cooling this summer. It is an older Convair Award 2000 portable evaporative cooler. Again from Craigslist and only $20. I brought it home just in time as today is in the upper … Continue reading
Interior Doors
I decided to buy these craigslist doors and I worry that they are not quite right for the house. They are just made out of 2 x 6’s which would normally have a tendency to warp but these seem to … Continue reading
Arizona Wisdom and Geometry
We lived in Arizona for almost 15 years and learned to love the flora and fauna native to the state. Despite years of living in the midwest, we had read about saguaro cactus, prickly pear, creosote bushes, palo Verde, mesquite, … Continue reading
The Gathering
Not of family but of materials. I have been craigslisting for weeks looking for doors for the master bedroom. I may have found some but have to go see them this weekend. I was taken by a set of arched … Continue reading
Family is Precious
We spent a wonderful week in California with our newest grandson, Wolfgang. He was born on Christmas Eve and this last weekend was his 100th Day celebration. His mom is Korean and the 100th Day is a traditional celebration called … Continue reading