The day before we arrived home the electrician was ready to hook up the electrical to the spa so he did it and when we got home it was already hooked up. It couldn’t be tested until there was water in it or the pump and equipment would burn out. So one of the first things I did when we returned from our travels was to have the spa filled with water.
Our well would probably be able to produce enough water to fill it but I didn’t want to have to use our filter for so much water and still it would have too much calcium and dissolved solids so I ordered 1000 gallons from a water delivery guy. The original spa owners told me they always got it filled all at once so thought that seemed like a good idea.
The water delivery guy is a neighbor–so it was pretty easy for him to swing by with his truck to fill it on Sunday afternoon. Plus we had a nice chat while he was filling it.
I had already applied for the inspection on Monday, but remember the surprise I thought it would be if the spa didn’t work once it was hooked up and tested? Well, you guessed it–the pump did not work. It had a Psol error code on the topside control and no power to the pump.
The inspector came but he couldn’t do anything because the pump was not running–but he did authorize the trenched electricity so we could fill it in.
Since then I have been working out the issues with the non-operable spa pack! Typical, right?