The family room closet has been used as a catch all with no organization or room for storage. I have an urgent need for more storage in that room so I checked off one of my summer to do list items and built shelves.

The closet is 30 inches deep so I wanted to put in wide shelves. The top shelves needed to be narrow enough to put items above the door frame. I had saved the sides and back of a large pine cabinet that I bought for its curved top for over the stove.

The cabinet doors and sides had large panels in thick frames. The panels were the perfect size for the shelves. Although thin they are real pine boards so very strong.

I located the studs with an iphone stud finder app. I have lots of leftover trim pieces from the window sill install. These pieces were perfect for nailing in shelf supports.

The lower shelves are wider. I used 21” panels and just took off a little from each side.

I completed the shelves but it was the end of the work day. I wanted to put one more shelf in the second family room closet. This one was an odd shape. I was tired by then and the shelf I chose had a lip on it. I had to turn it over to cut through the lip and unfortunately also cut into my thumb. Ouch!

There is a first time for everything. Thought I was more careful than this. The cut will slow down progress on other projects for awhile!