Monthly Archives: December 2016

More Work on the Soffit

The last couple of weeks I’ve been working on the metal soffit. This is the last task finished in 2016. I built another 10 foot piece and installed it. Then I put in the top of the corner piece since … Continue reading

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IKEA/Whirlpool Oven

We decided that it was impossible for us to fix the Advantium oven. I am sad about this because it was a great experience having this combo microwave and infrared oven for about a year. But it overheated and burned … Continue reading

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LED Garage Light Bulb Replacements

When my brother was helping with the construction he worked in the garage under our old florescent light bulbs. We had to supplement with extra lighting to see well enough to do the work. He told me that older florescent … Continue reading

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Annual Garage Clean Out

We use the garage as a work space during the warmer months and it gets filled with materials and tools. So I took today very late in the fall to clear it out so the car can fit in it … Continue reading

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Birthday Boy

We took a week off to celebrate our grands0n’s first birthday. We had a great time helping to plan and set up the party. Our daughter-in-law is Korean and we had so much fun learning about and implementing the Korean … Continue reading

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Fixing Plumbing Inspection Issues

The bar sink drain was improved by moving the drain pipe to the middle of the 2 x 6 wall. I raised the drain to the level of the trap and reinstalled the air vent. The master bath drain just … Continue reading

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