The kitchen set up makes it much easier to cook for ourselves, but the added advantage was moving the kitchen out of the second bedroom and setting up a bed for overnight guests. The red bedroom is a bit shocking to some with its fire engine red walls and orange ceiling. The room positively glows in the sunlight! But it is also kind of cool. (warm?)
The hum of the radon fan can be heard in this room, but setting the bed up against the loft wall seems to dampen it a bit.
We had been using the room as a sitting room/kitchen/storage area. The kitchen table and chairs were set up when the old hickory furniture first arrived.
The tables and the sitting area worked as a breakfast and lunch eating space. Dinners were served at the kids house. We still go there for dinner almost every night!
We had the basics for a kitchen in the bedroom and did the dishes in the bathroom sink. The dorm fridge set up in the closet worked better for short visits than it did with two of us using it all the time. Glad to have a larger “automatic defrost” model now!
We are also looking forward to having some overnight guests!