Slab Radon Pipe Connection

We finished tying in one of the slab radon pipes to the crawlspace radon fan today. There were several days of cutting pipes and several days of procrastinating since the pipe is heavy and the cuts are trouble and the angles difficult and the gluing messy. But finally decided today was the day to finish.
First I had to cut the existing pipe from the crawlspace in a very small area with nice prickly fiberglass insulation touching my arms.

Cut Existing Pipe

Cut Existing Pipe

Once cut we lifted the outside fan and placed the ABS tee.
Add ABS Tee

Add ABS Tee

The pipe under the slab is PVC so had to switch from ABS with a 4″ x 4″ connector.
Fernco to switch to PVC

Fernco to switch to PVC

The pipe spans the closet roof and then turns at the corner. Cut one pipe a bit too short and didn’t notice until after it was glued, so had to use an extension.
Across Closet

Across Closet

The pipe had to turn this corner so it could go around the beam across the room.
Around under Beam

Around under Beam

The pipe follows the main beam and then descends through what will be the bedroom wall.
To Floor Pipe

To Floor Pipe

The full pipe connection took only 3 10′ pipes but I had 4 just in case. Now have some extra pipe for the floor vent on the other side of the house.
Pipe Connection

Pipe Connection

Another job to cross off the to do list. Whew.

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