Checking the Task List

November 1st, what happened to October? An unbelievably beautiful month here in Arvada. We took a break from working on the house to visit Rocky Mountain National Park and hear the elk bugling. Sounded like rusty gates to us.

Rocky Mountain National Park Trail

Rocky Mountain National Park Trail

But we got a lot done in October too. Here is the old task list with finished items checked off.
Extend building permit.

Revent boiler
Close up ceiling/roof vent
Tape/foam plumbing vents
Remove excess plumbing vents in kitchen.
Move gas pipes from ceiling except in chase. Reconnect to appliances.

Finish insulating wiring chase

Install polyiso on ceiling and remove unnecessary ceiling cross pieces
Install membrane/air barrier
Install ceiling battens

Lay vapor barrier in crawlspace
Seal vapor barrier to walls and connect pipe from under barrier to passive radon vent.
Insulate south facing crawlspace wall with spray foam. Seal vent.

Treat utility room exterior where wood meets fill dirt.
(Decided to skip this–just refilled hole so dirt is not touching the wood.)
Set up wood boiler-purchase flat plate exchanger and open system water tank.
Install air supply to wood boiler
Install water supply to wood boiler
Install chimney
Install radon vents/fans

Put evaporative cooler away and reinstall window
Reorganize garage for winter
Cut and fit plywood to closet loft

This list did not include emptying the temp kitchen in the bedroom, setting up the new kitchen,  and moving a bed into the guest bedroom. Can’t always stick to a list because other tasks just seem to pop up along the way.

It appears we got about half way through the list in a month. That is with steady working most every day.

What’s left? Looks like the largest tasks are left. Hmmm.


Finish insulating wiring chase

Install polyiso on ceiling
Install membrane/air barrier
Install ceiling battens

Lay vapor barrier in crawlspace
Seal vapor barrier to walls and connect pipe from under barrier to passive radon vent.
Insulate south facing crawlspace wall with spray foam. Seal vent.

Set up wood boiler

There is a bit more cleanup needed in the garage and we will set up the bed in the guest bedroom. That was one way of clearing out the garage–bring more stuff inside.

The question is: How much will be done by Thanksgiving?

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