Unfortunately we found that once the ground thawed the stakes no longer held tight in the ground and we woke up the other morning to see the pool shelter completely blown over.
Depending how you look at this accident the shelter was in surprisingly good shape. Several bent poles and one big tear in a window side but seems like it could have been worse. The steps were also knocked over but they did not break.

The weather was luckily balmy the next day so I was able to detach the roof and sides and roll them up and put them in storage. Then I disassembled the pipe frame.
Then I separated the bent poles from the undamaged poles. Seven bent poles is not too bad.
The connecting poles are the same width as 1 1/4 EMT conduit. So replacing 7 poles with 4 ten footers would cost about $120. A new shelter with no time spent in repairs would cost about $300. I’ll think about it.

Now that it’s spring we don’t need the shelter to enjoy the spa.