Rustic Bathroom Door

We are having guests at the end of the week. I thought it would be great to have a real door on the master bathroom now that the shower is also completed. I even used the shower before our trip to try it out. I hung a piece of heavy duty vinyl material that I bought at auction from repurposed materials for a shower curtain. Today I hung one half of the rustic bifold doors that I bought on craigslist.

Rustic bifold doors

Rustic bifold doors

These doors are part of a vision that I have been working on for years now. They were purchased about the time I bought the vanity for this bathroom more than two years ago now. I guess time goes fast when you are having fun, or slowly when you are working on such a large project.
I used new pine door jamb pieces and stops for this door. It was a bit tricky because it is an angled doorway. I leveled the side jamb pieces both vertically and horizontally and squared them to one another. The door was fit exactly into the opening with the jamb shimmed to fit the door. The door is not shutting level though. It may be warped from two years of being moved around in various storage areas. Or it may have been a bit warped when I bought them. Who know?
I used gate hinges to hang the doors, leaving the original bifold hinges in between the panels. These doors are meant to run in a track but I was hoping to use them free form. I thought I might hang one on each side of the door, but I didn’t want to have the door open in front of the light switches, so I hung them together.

Gate hinge on angled door

Gate hinge on angled door

Without the track it is difficult to get the door placed exactly in the jambs to close it. Plus the top of the open side leans out a bit. So my solution was to place stops at the top and bottom of the door and use a sliding bolt to hold the closed door in place. It worked reasonably well but will need some tweaking.
The outside of the door needs a finish applied. But Dave particularly likes the look of this z bracing on doors.

Rustic doors with z bracing

Rustic doors with z bracing

It is not too difficult to open the door and fold it beside the entry wall that holds the plumbing access for the tub. I will use the second set of doors for the walk in closet, eventually.

Open bifold bathroom doors

Open bifold bathroom doors

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