Books Unpacked

As part of the move the kids returned a couple of large bookshelves that they had brought from our Indiana house when they moved to Colorado. I had used our enclosed bookshelves to display my mom’s china and silver and other keepsakes so I was wondering where I was going to put the many boxes of book still packed in the garage. It is a good thing that we inherited these big bookshelves from our kids move.

Big and tall bookshelf

Big and tall bookshelf

When we moved from Arizona most of our books were donated. That is why it was amazing to me that we still have so many. I kept hardbacks and how to books and homesteading and well, too many I guess. But they are now all safely ensconced on shelves.

Filled bookshelf

Filled bookshelf

This opened up some space in the garage but it is still very crowded in there due to the extra building materials I have gathered for the finish work inside.


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