
Being surrounded by boxes is no fun. So I started unpacking right away. All this finery that was in storage for so many years, and we are just now seeing it back in the house! As I unpacked the boxes, they began to pile up. So Dave emptied them of packing material and flattened them and took them to be recycled.

Boxes Being Emptied

Boxes Being Emptied

I took over a bookcase with the china and other breakable treasures. The china was from my mom and I only had it a few years before we moved. But after I brought it back from my mom’s house I got rid of the chipped pieces (it was shipped and some pieces got damaged) and replaced them from online sources. So the set is complete for twelve. I’m excited to use it this Thanksgiving.

Bookcase to china cupboard

Bookcase to china cupboard

I found a place for most of the contents of the boxes, but a few small items don’t have homes yet. I sorted them on the half wall to the kitchen.

Small decorations and treasures

Small decorations and treasures

My granddaughter was visiting and had fun looking over the treasures. Some of them she borrowed to take home and some became hers! And after the first load of boxes, there were plenty for a second load.

Empty boxes

Empty boxes

I put together all of the antique kitchenware that had been in different places at our other houses. It is quite a collection.

Antique Kitchenware Collection

Antique Kitchenware Collection

Happily the boxes that were brought in are all unpacked or they are going back out to the garage. Some of the boxes had my mom’s old photos and some of her every day dishes that I don’t have room to display. I did not bring in our photos in frames to hang on the walls or display around the house.

The many boxes of books that I saved from our library are still in the garage too. I did a major weeding of our books before we moved. Now that I used the bookcases for other things though, I’ll eventually have to find other shelves for the books. Dave will have his office in our current bedroom and there will be bookshelves. We have bookshelves in the guest room and maybe if I run out of space I’ll have to weed out some books again.

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